Those who work tirelessly long hours for our health sector have an essential job, and that is to care for those who have fallen ill. Especially at the moment, health care providers are our saving graces. You may have noticed that rainbows have been placed in the windows of many around the UK and even some of Europe. The rainbow symbol has been used in many posters and campaigns during the pandemic. This shows the support and appreciation we have for these unsung heroes of our community, namely the NHS.
Rainbows, in many cultures, are a sign of hope. They often appear, as you know, after the rain has cleared and the sun has peeked through, showing off a mind-blowing array of brilliant colours. From Doctors to nurses, pharmacists to cleaners - Health care professionals are working hard to care for those who are unwell. Many citizens have been reaching out to the NHS to say “Thank You,” but how does one genuinely say thank you to those who save our lives? Bespoke hampers are the new trend to say a BIG ‘Thank You’ to the NHS staff for dedicating their lives to caring for others.
Luckily we happen to have the perfect box for all your NHS Thank you Hamper needs. Unique A4 Deep and A5 Deep rainbow gift boxes with changeable ribbons are perfect luxury retail and e-commerce gift packaging.
For a more bold and bright rainbow look, why not include our High-quality Rainbow Solid Stripe Grosgrain Ribbon to fit all gift boxes in our range of slot gift boxes with changeable ribbon. Or, for a softer touch, use our pretty Pastel Rainbow Stripe Organza Ribbon.
The heroes of the NHS and other vital workers are on the frontline working to keep us all safe and healthy. What better way to give back than gifting beautifully bespoke and brilliant hampers? Whether you're looking to spoil a hard worker or you are into a magical unicorn vibe, enjoy all we have to offer when it comes to hopeful rainbow packaging.
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